V-Rex VR Escape Rooms and Games your VR headquaters at the Splat Attack Battle Arena, owned by Wild Rose Paintball and Airsoft, your Billings, Montana’s Family Entertainment Center!
We are excited to announce the launch of our V-Rex VR Escape Rooms and Games with our new VR Games and VR Escape Rooms or otherwise called VR breakout rooms in time for the holiday season!
“Depending on your selected type of event, age group, and the number of players, we currently have 6 (six) headsets to play so you and five of your friends or family can play at the same time in the same game!! With over 6 different games and multiple levels in our VR Games to choose from or 7 different extremely active VR Escape Rooms. Your V-Rex VR Escape Rooms and Games Host will organize and run the games during your party or group play time!
There’s plenty of holiday adventure available at the Splat Attack Battle Arena! Book online at WildRosePaintball.com
Follow our social media and use our hashtags! #wildrosepaintballandairsoft #billingsmontanafamilyentertainmentcenter #funthingstodoinbillingsmontana #billingsmtfamilyfun #familyfunbillingsmontana #funforallages #funforkids #funforadults #billingsmontanaescaperoom #billingsmontanabreakoutroom #Billingsescaperoom #billingsmtescaperoom #splatattackbattleareana #vrexvreescaperoomsandgames #vrexvre #vrexpeirence #vrgaming #virtualreality #vrgames #vrescaperoom #vrbreakoutroom #escaperoomsofbillings #escaperoom #breakoutroom #escapegame #billingsmtescaper